Sunday, September 25, 2011

Not Waiting

I could not wait until Wednesday to have the blood pregnancy test and I changed my appointment to Monday (tomorrow).  Today I went to the bathroom this morning at about 10ish and had a spot of  brown blood.  I walked all over the grocery store though and didn't spot anymore.  I really feel like it didn't happen for us this time.  I am so sad, but trying to stay positive. I am going to have the clinic call my husband tomorrow because if it is bad news I would like to hear it from him since I will be at work.

I am so tense right now, it is crazy.  After the whole sperm sample mix up, we will be going to a different clinic if it didn't work this time.  It is so frustrating because I don't really feel pregnant.  But last time I did IVF (January 2011) I convinced myself it didn't work and it did.  I guess we will know tomorrow.

Tomorrow is also my original due date with Charlie. I hope I don't cry as much tomorrow as I did today. I miss him so much everyday.

1 comment:

  1. sooo sorry about the bittersweetness of tomorrow ... hugs!
    kmfx that your hubs calls with fabulous news, though!
