Saturday, September 3, 2011

Baking and Stims Start

I am been trying to find activities to keep my mind off of the IVF process in order to make the days go more quickly.

So far I have made pizza, chicken and vegetable soup and enchiladas.  I made all of these last weekend and the we just heated them up during the week, the other plus was that we were not cleaning dishes all week.

I think that the most fun part is baking.

Last Monday I made Blueberry Muffins.

Those went so well that I made Banana Nut Bread last weekend.

And today I made Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies.  So far the cookies are my favorite.

They are all Martha Stewart Recipes.

As for cleaning the carpets over this long weekend. I forgot how tired the lupron make me.  I don't really foresee any extra cleaning happening.

I started the stims today.  No matter how many times I was stuck last time, I was still unprepared this morning for the first poke! It is all for a good cause though.  It has been very hard emotionally, thinking that I should just be delivering Charlie instead of trying for another baby.


  1. Wishing you luck on this cycle! Your baked goods look delicious.

  2. Thanks! I think that cooking and baking will make the process go more quickly!
